News ID: 947
Publish Date : 11 November 2017 - 09:15
Khodrocar studies the tripartite consortium between Iran, China and Europe;

Is China Going to Turn Iran to an Automaker?

Since the JCPOA signed, Iran was looking for a business partner. Some experts think china is the country that connects Iran to the global market. Now there is a question, how much Iran worth to china as a business partner?
Khodrocar – Hasan Karimi Sanjari, an expert in auto industry believe that Iran can find foreign investors through the china and the European countries tunnel. "Iran and China have a good political relation and this could simplify the relation of Iran and European countries.”

"European countries have the technical knowledge and they are producing high quality, green or electric cars. Also, European companies have a market and Iran can find investors among them.” He said. "There are 3 preconditions for finding a foreign investor. First is technical knowledge, the second one is having a market and the third is good political relation. European companies have the first two preconditions, but for the third one, china can act like a simplifier.”

"The tripartite consortium between Iran, China and European companies can revolutionize the Iran’s auto industry. In this consortium, china can role as the connector between Iran and European companies.” Karimi Sanjari said to Khodrocar reporter.

"In this consortium Iran has the potential market and can attract foreign investors. Iran’s beneficial features for investing are the number of worn out cars, the low number of high quality, safe vehicles and the potential buyers.” He added.

 "Iran is seeking for foreign investors since the JCPOA signed and it wasn’t successful in some fields. Problems in the structure of Iran’s economy are increasing the risk of investing for foreigners.” He said.

He said that Europeans have the technical knowledge in the auto industry and china will shine in this field in the next couple years. "The world bank predicted that China will have the greatest economy of the world in 2019 and 2020. However, the Chinese automakers are not developed due to their dependence to major companies.”

"Iran’s foreign policy is an obstacle in the development of the auto industry. Even the JCPOA couldn’t remove these obstacles.” He continued. "Major companies didn’t sign contracts with Iran despite their willing because they had business relations with the US. According to statistics, Iran is among top 10 potential auto market, but this reason wasn’t enough for attracting investors.

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani